Prof. Cees de Bont
Professor Cees de Bont is the dean of Loughborough Design School in the UK since July 2018. This school is positioned 28th in the QS world ranking of Art and Design Schools and is famous for its research in Human Factors, Transport Safety, Experience Design and Digital Fabrication and for the strong educational programs in design. Before moving to Loughborough, Cees was the dean of the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering of the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands (2005-2011) where he initiated the Creative Industry Scientific Program (CRISP) and dean of the School of Design of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2012-1018). Before moving to academia, Cees worked for Royal Philips Electronics in various roles related to design, marketing and strategy (1995-2005). Cees de Bont holds a BSc in Psychology (1985) and a MSc in Consumer Psychology (1987) from Tilburg University and a PhD from the Delft University of Technology (1992). He published in many academic journals, including: Design Studies, Design Issues, Journal of Engineering Design and the Journal of Product Innovation Management. His academic interests are about consumer acceptance of new technologies, design research methods and design education. In 2017, Cees won the ICoNNN Award in India for his contribution to design research and design education.
Cees de Bont 教授自2018年7月起担任英国拉夫堡大学设计学院院长。该学院在QS全球艺术与设计专业排名第28位,在人因工程学、交通安全、体验设计和数字建造等方面的科研均有建树,学院设立的设计教育项目也很有影响力。就职拉夫堡大学之前,Cees在2005-2011年期间担任荷兰代尔夫特理工大学工业设计工程学院院长,在任期间设立了创意产业科学项目(Creative Industry Scientific Program,CRISP)。2012年-2018年,他担任香港理工大学设计学院院长。在投身学术界之前,Cees在1995-2005年间供职于皇家飞利浦电子公司,从事于设计、营销和策略相关工作。Cees在荷兰蒂尔堡大学取得心理学学士(1985年)和消费者心理学硕士学位(1987年),随后在荷兰代尔夫特理工大学取得博士学位(1992年)。Cees的研究发表在《设计研究》、《设计议题》、《工程设计期刊》、《产品创新管理期刊》等著名学术刊物。其研究兴趣主要包括消费者如何接受新科技、设计研究方法及设计教育。2017年 Cees被印度设计研究国际会议(ICoRD)授予设计科学与教育突出贡献奖 (ICONNN Awards,ICoRD Outstanding Contribution to desigN scieNce and educatioN)。
Personal Homepage Link: https://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/design-school/about/dean/
Title and Synopsis of the presentation
Keyshot Title: Design as Interplay between Digital Fabrication, Human Factors, Experience Design and Safety
Designers tend to contribute to innovation through proposing new aesthetic arrangements, new functions or new meanings. Ideas for new products and services can come from many different sources. Once ideas are conceptualised, they can be evaluated and further developed. The first phase in developing new products and services is often referred to as the fuzzy-front end. In order to get on a promising trajectory as fast as possible, it is important to have strong skills in conceptualisation and prototyping as well as in evaluating the early ideas and concepts. Digital Fabrication is quite instrumental in prototyping. Many other technologies, such as Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality can be useful too. When it comes to evaluating concepts with potential users, it is important to understand that users may have different expectations, tastes, capabilities, goals in life and that they live and work in different environments. Due to these huge individual differences, users may want to interact with the new products and services in different ways. In evaluating the early concepts with potential users, we need to consider whether potential users are capable of using the new product or service, whether they enjoy using it and whether or not they can use it safely. It is the combination prototyping qualities and evaluation qualities available in a design team that informs the creation of next iterations of ideas and concepts and thereby the route towards market success.
设计师一般通过提出新的美学效果、新功能或新意义的方式进行创新。新产品、新服务的创意有众多不同的来源。当创意转变成设计概念时,需要进行评估和进一步发展。这个新产品/新服务研发的初期阶段往往被称为模糊前端(Fuzzy-front end)。为了尽快进入有前景的产品研发轨道上,需要拥有强大的设计概念生成能力、原型能力、早期创意及概念的评价能力。在产品原型建模方面,数字建造中起重要作用,增强现实和虚拟现实等其他技术也有所帮助。当通过潜在用户评估产品概念时,必须要了解各类用户具有不同的期望值、品味、能力、生活目标,以及不同的生活和工作环境。由于这些巨大的个体差异,不同用户与新科技和新服务的互动方式大相径庭。在通过潜在用户评估早期设计概念时,我们必须要考虑以下几点:潜在用户是否具备使用新产品或新服务的能力,潜在用户是否会享受使用新科技,新科技的安全性如何。设计团队需要综合考虑产品原型与评价的结果,以推进下一轮产品创意与概念的迭代、为新产品的市场成功铺路。