时印科技在开发的时候就针对3D打印材料和效率限制等行业难题,今年5月份推出其首款可打印多种食材的机器Shinnove-S1,可以打印巧克力、饼干、糕点、糖果和酱类等五大类十多种口味的食材。 该机器可以通过PC端和移动端的操控,在移动端,机器的系统可全面接入微信界面,用户能通过微信直连打印食品。
When the food 3D printer was developed, Shiyin Tech is aimed to solve the industrial challenge of the limitation in material and efficiency of printer. The printer Shinnove-S1, which was launched at May this year, can print more than ten flavors of five kinds, like chocolate, biscuits, pastries, sweets and sauces. This printer can be controlled by PC and mobile terminal, at mobile end, system of printer can fully access WeChat interface. Which can allow users print food through WeChat directly.
设计团队:李景元(工业设计2011届本科 发起创办时印科技,担任董事长兼CEO )、贺永、高帅
Design Team:Li Jingyuan(ZJU Alumnus, Bachelor of Industrial Design, 2011 founder of Shiyin Tech, CEO), He Yong, Gao Shuai
Spin-Offs:Shiyin Tech